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LSD Therapy (Final Blog) - Week 14 - Biochemistry

Lesson: Our Biochemistry and Cognition Class discussion I loved the topic of LSD in our class this week. I think the usage of LSD with patients suffering from schizophrenia is a brilliant idea. Individuals who have this condition are misunderstood greatly, and are completely isolated from the normal conversations and routines of life. My grandmother has been suffering from schizophrenia for many years, and my family had decided to put her in a prestigious medical hospital in Korea. Though the facilities are top notch, and doctors are incredibly helpful for their many patients, the hospital/nursing home environment exuded an approach of suppressing many illnesses rather than to heal the patients from their illnesses. If I had known that LSD was a viable therapy method, I would have introduced that to my family in hopes to allow my grandmother to feel freely connected and happy again. Just as how medical marijuana has become newly approved as way to treat anxiety and othe...

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