This planet should be enough, right? - Week 13 - Biochemistry
Lesson: Living Diversity
Human species
"... the human species is living as if it had more than one planet to occupy..."
I definitely believe this quote to be true. We have grown to become extremely wasteful in our products, foods, resources, and even mindset. As the cultural living standard has become from self-cultivation to instant-everything. The fortunate percentage of people living in the modern world normalize the excess waste that we put out to the planet without even thinking twice. This problem will end up with our species drying up all of our resources and leaving the planet to a barren land for the future generations. If we do not acknowledge the behaviors that have been practiced for years, the collective whole will fall apart and surely leave many to wish we had multiple planets to live on.
The class discussion on gene editing in babies was very interesting, as it is a topic that makes many people ponder the efficacy in the decision to edit their babies! The article showed that the negative aspects outweigh the positive outcomes, and it makes sense to see the delineation of opinions based on wealth, and quality of life.
This future is not too far away from today, and I do believe that there should be a strict policy in this option. I do see this becoming a luxury only for the upper class or those who are fortunate enough to "pick and shop" for their ideal baby. The greatest downfall I see in this new feat are the possible health risks that could potentially affect the child. It would be nice to see this option become refined and open to all, as well as helpful for those who have hereditary diseases in their family line in order to prevent future illnesses such as leukemia, down syndrome and cancer.
I love the image from the top! Where did you find that?! So good... It does really feel like about Good Night time soon though. I have been trying to be zero waste to have less impact on this planet, it's hard but I have some rad friends who have taught me how to waste less, and it's been fun. They are part of a movement of folks who are zero waste from reconnecting and reclaiming cultural practices and tie it in to liberation and activism for folks of color communities, pretty rad. @woke_n_wasteless on instagram if you're curious. thanks for sharing your thoughts!