인생 + (v)ideo - Week 10 - Physics
Lesson: Symmetry / Super Symmetry and Sacred Geometry
My (a)symmetrical world
CP Violation
Sacred Geometry & Physics
Is the world asymmetrical or symmetrical? How do you know?
To be quite frank, I am not sure how to deduce a proper answer to this question. My initial urge is to respond by saying "Yes," as in "Yes, they are both." But is that really the answer?! ┌( ಠ‿ಠ)┘
Maybe the world is a ugly, beautiful mess of both, and whatever present situation we are subjectively experiencing is a crossing point to whatever world we happen to stumble upon. My world can be symmetrical to a point where I am simultaneously watching an artist stream his/her work online. But instantly become asymmetrical once I hop offline and go about to do something unrelated. Feels like a never-ending and complex gyroscope of situations and circumstances.
The symmetry between matter and antimatter is CP. While nature treats matter and antimatter alike, it results as CP symmetry. CP Violation, also known as "charge, parity" violation means an imbalance of the matter and antimatter.
Music from the Fibonacci Sequence
Music from the Fibonacci Sequence
I definitely believe that there is a connection between sacred geometry and physics. The most popular example of the Fibonacci sequence showing a natural connection with math and natural growth of life... There is no doubt that the universe has multiple formulas that we have yet to understand as well.
I've heard of smart people finding the fibonacci sequence patterns in macro- and microscopic nature, and in the arrangement of celestial bodies, but I didn't realize someone had also set it to music. How gorgeous! And how amazing that we can use this code as a language to describe so many aspects of our world. More evidence we need to be getting closer to our natural world, not farther.