Synchronicity - Week 3 - Physics

Lesson: Synchronicity

Synchronicity deems as a "meaningful coincidence", which is very much likely the case. Though I also see that compiling evidence for synchronicity is a much larger task at hand than realized. I find myself experiencing synchronicity in times where I am not thinking about synchronicity. I feel it as a subjective phenomenon that is experienced on drastic levels between every conscious individual living through their intentions. 

Just as the folk tale of the red string eternally connecting two individuals no matter what circumstances played, the power of connectivity is just as real for everyone whether they are aware of it or not. 
I believe that there are effective connectivity, and ineffective connectivity based on what we can share with these connections. Especially living in a modern society run by social media and other outlets online, there is a paramount difference between those connections which truly matter or benefit oneself, or connections which serve no purpose at all. Connectivity is a tool, and a guide to crossing paths with another, as well as a huge step forward into the information age. 


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