Biography - Yunjung Chai.

"There is no spoon." - 🐇

Oakland, CA

H e l l o  F r i e n d s ,
My name is Yunjung, but most may refer to me as Helen. ^-^

Year II.
Diving into the end of my second year of medicine.
I found myself deeper than I could have imagined.

There is a duality to life, and I have become sworn to balance.
Sublime with the moon. One hand is for healing, and the other to guide me home. 

Endeavors not long yet lost, for no effort is wasted...
The rays of sun still feels like the warmest hug...
There is hope! 

I am stardust, matter and .
For the wind, as erupting or calm,
guides all of our drifting hearts across the universe. 


Y u n j u n g  H e l e n  C h a i 

AA. Merchandise Marketing.
NGA Coordinator/Captain. Y-1.

After my gap year of international service work in South Africa and the western states, I found a fulfillment of purpose in the service of healing others. Through the guidance of my grandfather, I devoted my following studies to Traditional Chinese Medicine. I hope that through the path of medicine and healing, I am able to live my legacy as an Acupuncturist. There is never a day where I am not humbled by my like-minded peers and our journey together as healers. The best is yet to come....

Korean-American student from the Bay Area
Mom of two cheeky cats.
Tarot card reader, and motorcyclist.
Surreal artist, and impulsive writer.
Will always stop to smell the flowers.
Will always give doggos good pats.

C u r r e n t  F a v o r i t e s : 

Film: Fight Club
Artist: Hayao Miyazaki

Thanks for reading! ^-^


  1. Ooooh I didn't know you read tarot too! What is your favorite deck? I'm loving the Wild Unknown right now - super simple and comforting drawings with no people - uses animals for the court positions and major arcana.

    I didn't know you worked in South Africa, I'd love to talk more about what your experiences were there. And about how your grandfather shaped your healing journey. My grandfather was in assisted living when I just finished massage school. He was nearly deaf and blind and non responsive to most people but we reconnected through his Athlete's foot. I gave him foot baths with tea tree oil 3x week and then gave him a foot massage. The touch brought him back to this world for a little longer to share his history and experiences with us. And cemented me in my certainty that this healer thing was for me

    1. Can't believe I just saw this, Sarah! Your wild unknown deck is amazing :)

      Wow, your experience with your grandfather is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing that with me! I was only in South Africa for a month, but it was a very busy month! And my grandfather would go to an acupuncturist/herbalist when I was a very young age and I would hang out there for long periods of time, so the smell of herbs became a third home to me, as well as his wholehearted respect to alternative medicine from our ancestors :) <3

    2. YES to poetics and Miyazaki! Oh for more beautiful artistic dark utopia I just saw Only Lovers Left Alive and VERY recommend...


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